Windermere’s Kesshin Kai ju-jitsu school reopens this month

Kaith Asley GarciaNews

A WINDERMERE martial arts club will be reopening its doors to young students and welcoming the public back onto the mat from 22nd `February 2022.

Run by Sensei Smith, UK’s 1st World Nunchaku Champion Paris 2019 and 6th degree black belt in Ju-Jitsu, is reopening the Kesshin Kai martial arts school. Located on Droomer Drive.

KK Tigers will open to kids aged 4-8 years. The club will be holding classes on Tuesdays at Windermere and Thursdays at Kendal from 5.20pm-6pm

As well as Ju-Jitsu, Sensei Smith is a 4th Dan in Nunchaku, 2nd Dan in Kobudo and 1st Dan Iaido (which he passed in Okinawa, Japan under Hamamoto Sensei 8th Dan Iaido, September 2019) and has trained in 24 different styles of martial arts.

He also offers classes in Sport Nunchaku Nunchaku; which is also at Windermere Tuesdays and Kendal 6-7pm.

Please message for details: or visit the site

The Kesshin Kai Tigers club will reopen on February 22, beginning in Windermere where classes will be held on Tuesday.

Classes are focused on the traditional style of Japanese Ju-Jitsu and self-defence.

The club also has plans for a mum’s self defence and fitness class in the future.

Sensei Smith said: “This is my 21st year of training in Nunchaku and I received my first dan in 2008.

“The Windermere dojo has been here since 2006. The club opened 25 years ago and started for me at the Ambleside Charlotte Mason college in 1997 where I studied outdoor education.

“It was the love for the mountains that brought me to the Lakes from Sheffield.

“The Nunchaku association was established back in 2005, and that year I competed in the first ever championship in Switzerland and came 8th in the world.

“I’m the current world champion and undefeated national champion. It’s been a good 21 years.

“Nunchaku is good for everyone.

It’s good for people with autism, people who wish to build confidence and those looking to build self-awareness.

“It’s very good for fitness and for giving people that competitive edge.

“We are trying to get students back in after Covid. We did a lot of stuff online, and I give private lessons on zoom.

There is a guy down South named Mark Perry who is blind, and he’s been training for four years now. He’s going for his blue belt now and he’s really amazing at it.”

The school is looking to welcome more students into training and offers every student their first two lessons for free.

Sensei Smith added: “When choosing a class to go to, something my instructor Professor Starling who is a 7th dan in Ju-Jitsu in London, says whenever you go to a new class you should always look at the higher grades. If they are running about, messing around, playing tag then it’s not the right club.

“If they are waiting at the side patiently and looking about to learn then you know it’s the club for you.”

“I’m also so honoured and so grateful to receive the expert tuition from Soke R. Clark 9th Dan Ju-Jitsu, who set up world Ju-Jitsu in 1976.

“I had the great privilege of being one of five personal students every week for 11 years who passed away 10 years ago 9th February 2012’,

“He was a Giant among all men”

For information visit Sport Nunchaku on, message, Kesshin Kai Ju-Jitsu at or message


Or please contact:

The Kesshin Kai

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Links – 双節棍 /“\ Kesshin Kai Site-​​ Dan Charnley’s 10year Ju-Jitsu Anniversary –

Testimonials Testimonial with Anna Callaghan-Fighting #anxiety​​






Sensei R.Smith

4th Dan Nunchaku

6th Dan Ju-Jitsu

2nd Dan Kobudo

1st Dan Iaido Uk’s 1st World Nunchaku Champion Paris 2019.

Kesshin Kai contact us

Kind regards,

The Kesshin Kai Team


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